Helen Maguire for Epsom and Ewell

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A response to comments from the ‘True & Fair’ party

The ‘True & Fair - we deserve better’ Party have made some unfounded allegations on social media to which I would like to respond, as I feel the comments of the leader Gina Miller are neither ‘true’ nor ‘fair’ and call into question the integrity of myself and my team.

Ms. Miller, the Liberal Democrats have not been telling the residents in Epsom, Ewell, Ashtead and Leatherhead that you are standing down as a candidate for the forthcoming election, as every one of them will see your name on the ballot paper on 4th July. So why would they?

Regarding “aggressive behaviour” there has been none, nor would I tolerate it.

We and the vast majority of opinion polls regard the contest for Epsom & Ewell as a two-horse race, with Labour and others languishing far behind. It is therefore unsurprising that members of the public – who may be of any political stripe – would encourage you and others to stand down.

Had you spoken to the Lib Dems rather than the Labour candidate you may have been informed that you just need to go to the Labour Party website – as I did today – to appreciate that the Labour Party doesn’t think Labour can win in Epsom & Ewell, and it continues to declare the constituency a non-battleground seat.

So, if you want a true and fair picture, then look no further than Remaining-seats-to-be-selected.pdf (labour.org.uk)

A more up to date picture can be found at another website, where the top 250 seats that Labour WILL contest vigorously can be found on the web and it does not include Epsom & Ewell. Just look here: https://labourlist.org/2024/06/labour-battleground-areas-full-list-general-election-2024/ .

And if you are still not convinced then you should know that the Labour Party Website is directing Labour supporters in Epsom & Ewell to other constituencies as far flung as Swindon. Just go to their website and put in your postcode: https://volunteer.labour.org.uk/polling-day/get-started .

My team will continue to campaign with the honesty, integrity and dignity that I, and they, have always embodied.

To this end we can at least agree that honesty and integrity in politics is of the utmost importance if the people of Epsom, Ewell, Ashtead and Leatherhead are to get the honest representation in Parliament that they deserve.