My statement on SCC's communication regarding Key Stage Transfer deadlines for children with EHCPs 

I wish to express my ongoing concerns regarding the recent communications from Surrey County Council (SCC) to parents of children with Educational, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs). Specifically, the communication dated 12 August 2024 has caused distress among many parents by setting a very short timeframe for them to confirm their preferred school placement. 

The letter sent by SCC requested that parents submit their preferences by 12 September 2024 - giving them less than a month to make an important decision. I understand the challenges involved in the Key Stage Transfer process, particularly with an increasing number of students involved. However, this timeline is unreasonably short, given the complexity of selecting an appropriate school for children with special educational needs. 

On 23rd August, all Liberal Democrat Surrey MPs raised this issue with the Leader of Surrey County Council, Cllr Tim Oliver. In response, Cllr Oliver clarified that the 12 September date is not a statutory deadline but rather a target set by SCC to assist in improving the Key Stage Transfer process. However, I remain concerned about the Council’s misleading communication. The initial letter made no mention that submissions after this date would still be accepted and considered, leading many parents to believe they had only a limited window to make this critical decision. This has understandably caused unnecessary stress and confusion. 

In light of the mixed messages that have already been sent, I urge SCC to take immediate action to clarify the situation to all affected parents. It is essential that parents are fully informed of their options and timelines so they can make the best decisions for their children's futures. In the meantime, parents and guardians who are unsure of the process or who need more time to decide on their school preference should contact SCC directly for guidance.  

I hope that by raising these concerns, SCC will take the necessary steps to improve its communication strategy moving forward and ensure that all families are adequately supported throughout the Key Stage Transfer process.  


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